Nicole and Tony's First Anniversary as a Family of Seven

Unique Relationships Call for Unique Anniversary Gifts
I am lucky to work with so many different types of clients and couples: young newlyweds who have been inseparable since high school; couples who have been married for decades and want to celebrate the many beautiful years they have spent together; and new couples who are both in their second marriages, having found new and blossoming partnership.
Nicole and Tony harmoniously join the last category. Nicole contacted me to help create a pair of custom paper cufflinks for her husband, Tony. Certainly, such a meaningful anniversary gift is bound to reflect the marriage itself, and I reached out to Nicole to learn more about her connection with Tony.
Nicole and Tony at a Glance
Nicole and Tony met at a work function in Denver, Colorado, with over 3,000 people in attendance. After exchanging business cards and some chemistry, neither of them knew if the other was "all business," or something more. But, when Tony texted Nicole the next morning- a Saturday- she knew it wasn’t a a mere business interaction. Nicole told me, "I was hosting the Plain White Tees' concert that day and had extra VIP passes. I invited him to the concert on a whim and that is all she wrote. We talked through the whole concert and were engaged 5 months later."
A Vibrant Marriage for a Vibrant Family
The happy couple held their ceremony at the beautiful John and Elizabeth Shaw Sundy House in Del Ray, Florida. The rich and elegant photography, by Rodolfo Wiesner of Pixeltoaster, communicates a vivid sense of place. Florida bamboo trees and an elegant gazebo help frame the glowing and affectionate couple.
This is a second marriage for both Nicole and Tony, and they came together with children of their own, to form a larger, burgeoning family. When I asked Nicole what she loves most about Tony, she answered, "Tony loves my children like his own. He is supportive of my career, our life goals and values align, and he loves me unconditionally."

A Meaningful Anniversary Gift
Nicole and Tony commemorated their anniversary as a family of seven this year. "We enjoyed dinner at an acclaimed restaurant in Boulder, Colorado. Afterward, we enjoyed Ben and Jerry’s ice cream while we celebrated and reminisced on our first year success," Nicole told me.
For their first anniversary gift, Nicole worked with us at Paper Anniversary by Anna V to create a pair of custom cufflinks for her husband. Why paper? - The traditional first anniversary gift is paper.
When I asked what the custom paper cufflinks meant to her, Nicole explained, "I love the fact that Tony can wear the cufflinks every day and be reminded of our special day and the love we share." The custom cufflinks display lyrics from their wedding song, Stand By You by Rachel Platten. Nicole and I worked to choose the specific lyrics that speak to her relationship with Tony as the focal point of her meaningful anniversary gift:
We wish Nicole and Tony all the best and thank them for sharing their joy with us, so that we could share it with you!